I am overwhelmed with the kind facebook comments and support that I received over the last couple of days regarding the final version of my cookbook cover. I feel so grateful to have such awesome family, friends & blog readers! Such a HUGE thank you to all of you for reading my blog, trying my recipes & pre-ordering my book. I am beyond appreciative!
I took the first call with my publisher last December (on the 9th, to be exact), while riding the train from Orange County to San Diego to spend the weekend with some of my best GFs. I spent that evening gabbing with the girls over dinner about if this project would really come to fruition. It felt unreal at the time. Now, after many many hours in the kitchen and at the computer, the book is finally complete!
I am so excited for you guys to try the delicious and mostly easy recipes that I've created! You’ll find several Persian and Armenian dishes that are my family favorites, as well as Asian dishes that I learned about from friends. I hope that this book demonstrates that Paleo eating can be delicious, easy and accessible, even for the busiest person.
I was also fortunate enough to team up with Amy Kubal, RD of robbwolf.com and Fuel as RX on this project. Throughout the book, you will find very informative sections written by Amy. I personally believe that people better commit to a Paleo lifestyle, when they understand the "whys" behind it. For this reason, I thought it was important to have some of the most common themes explained and questions answered. I could not think of a more perfect person to work on this with. Amy does a fabulous job of explaining concepts such as why fat is healthy and how the Paleo diet reduces inflammation, just to name a couple!
I am also so honored that my practioner, Chris Kresser wrote the forward to my book. As without him, this book would not exist. That’s not an exaggeration. Although I had been following a Paleo diet for a year before I started working with Chris, I was still suffering from constant headaches and severe lethargy. My health was so poor, that I didn’t even have enough energy to go watch the sunset after work, let alone spend endless hours cooking, writing and researching. I am so grateful that he has dedicated his career to solving health problems that conventional medicine doesn’t have answers for.
Lastly....I don't know how to put this but Amazon pre-orders are kind of a big deal. Plus, you will be able to purchase the book at a great discount!
You stay classy, blogosphere & thanks for stopping by!
You said,"Although I had been following a Paleo diet for a year before I started working with Chris, I was still suffering from constant headaches and severe lethargy."
So what eventually solved your problems if it wasn't the paleo diet? I also suffer from headaches and lethargy.
Posted by: Suzanne Perazzini | 12/21/2012 at 01:57 PM
Hi Suzanne! I had great success with the Paleo Diet. My headaches improved a ton when I stopped eating gluten. But, they hadn't completely gone away. I was still getting them fairly often. Chris ran extensive blood work and found that I had severe B12 anemia. Although, I had been taking in plenty of B12, I wasn't absorbing it. I also had low-thyroid function that I was not aware of before. He treated me with supplements, as well as additional tweaks to my diet, such as eating bone-broth everyday. It still took many months before my health completely turned around. Hope that helps! Email me if you have more questions, I am happy to share my experience with you.
Posted by: Arsy | 12/21/2012 at 02:37 PM